Advancements In Technology

 Do you know what shrink nano technology is. This form of technology has become widely used these days. There are two fields which are used presently, these are biotechnology and nanotechnology. This deals with materials which are one thousandth the diameter of the human hair. The combine there these minerals and materials and use them to improve performance and open new possibilities in activities like water purification, biomedicine, battery power, Environmental repair and agriculture.

Biotechnology is also now being used to cure cancer. There are now wide range of companies who are getting into nano and biotechnology. These companies offer the technologies of tomorrow today. These companies have created energy efficient systems and products which deal with industries including solar power, air and water protection, food, human and animal diagnostics, optoelctronics and these are just a few of them. The world has always been depending of fossil fuels. These companies aim at using self sufficient technology and are looking to make planet earth a better and cleaner planet.

For this purpose there are a lot of companies who now deal with biological research tools. This has made it possible to study stem cells and drugs so that scientists can tackle a wide variety of problems. They manufacture biodegradable band aids which are designed for person specific tissues and provide stem cell therapies for conditions like nerve damage. While most these bio products are focused on curing serious illnesses like heart disease and cancer, nano technology is a very vast and diverse science.

These companies produce ultra functional solar concentrator products which allow solar cells to peform at levels which finally make solar power make economic sense. They manufacture critical components for life saving diagnostic tests.They work with companies to make their point of care test worthwhile and much more accurate so that personalized medicine can truly become a reality. These companies make systems with enable researchers to design, develop and prototype their own biochips and biodiscs at a fraction of the cost the presently incur. The aim of these companies is to create nao and bioscience products for academic research as well as the industry. They create many application prototypes and very advanced bioscience tools that employ microfabrication expertise to offer a new dimension of tools for cell biology, molecular biology, immunodiagnostics and stem cell research.

Overall these believe that for- profit enterprises and non-profit research labs can work side by side and improve the development of new technologies which would benefit a large number of industries. These products are not very well known in the market but companies have now assembled a number of expert thought leaders to help commercialize this advanced technology. The have found funding from a wide variety of investors from various fields. They have leaders from the worl of finance, industry and the government who are helping them achieve their goal. These companies aim at providing information to the common man so everyone can make a contribution. Their solar technology tools, bio research tools and diagnostics are aimed at making the world a better and self sufficient place.

Shrink Nanotechnologies, Inc., is a high technology development-stage company that makes ultra-functional nano-sized technologies, components and product systems for industries including solar energy, food, air and water protection, human and animal diagnostics, optoelectronics and biotechnology work markets.

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