
 It can be deduced that nanotechnology is practically an assembling process which takes place at a molecular level. The new technology is meant to transform the everyday products and the way they are manufactured by manipulating the atoms, so that the materials can be shrunk and improved in time. Although the current products based on nanotechnology are modest, some scientists estimate that nanotechnology will play an extremely important role in the future.

Thanks to the improvements made with microscopes, scientists can now place the single atoms where they want for the first time. The potential applications are numerous: microscopic computers, nano-particles which are meant to treat cancer, non-polluting engines and many more. This technology suggests that innovative molecular devices are built using the well-known chemical properties of the atoms and molecules. The secret lies in manipulating the individual atoms and in placing them where they are needed so that they produce the structure wanted.

Nanotechnology can also be defined as the ability to transform materials placing one atom after another and one molecule after the other, so that other nano-structures are produced, structures which can form nano-products, thus devices and machines.

The military research is a very strict domain and the information the public has access to represents less than five per cent of the analyzed reality. However, it is well-known that the technology used for making different materials for different pieces of equipment of the future is based on the advancement of this particular type of technology. The American spend fabulous amounts of money every year for improving the military forces. Billions of dollars go to the research domains which have only one purpose and that is of improving the military equipment.

In spite of the fact that the American military forces are better and more advanced than any other forces in the world, the American authorities are highly interested in making new improvements as far as the equipment they have is concerned and as well as their weapons and technical means are concerned, too.

The intelligent uniforms that have planned are based on insertions of intelligent particles in the fabrics they use, these particles being specially programmed to adapt to different situations. This uniform not only behaves like a chameleon, but it also has intelligent properties. For instance, it has a regeneration system which is automatically activated if the uniform breaks and a defense mechanism which prevents it from being destroyed if it comes into contact with any chemical substances. Moreover, the new military pieces of equipment don't make any sounds when the subject moves around.

The main necessary ingredient with these circuits is wire. The wires used have to be very thin, long and mechanically resistant. Also, they need to have good electric conductance. Fortunately, chemists have discovered a series of molecules which have these exact properties. One of the most popular ones is the carbon nano-tube, which is characterized by the fact that each carbon atom is covalently connected to its neighbors. This was actually the discovery which brought Richard Smalez the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1996.

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