Structure of A Computer

 In the previous article we looked into Computers in a conventional perspective as they were used initially and what their intended use is. We today continue forward our learning with a look into the Structure of A Computer - its basic building blocks and prime components.

The Computer comprises of 3 basic components as we have already seen - Input Device, Processing Unit and Output Device. Let us look into these in more detail:

Input Device: Transmits the raw data and instructions that are prepared and readable by humans into the computer as a series of electronic pulses.

Processing Unit (more commonly known as the Central Processing Unit or the C.P.U.): The raw data is processed according to the program.

Output Device: Re-transfers the processed data from machine-coded form into human-intelligible form as the result.

The 3 major units in the CPU: The input passes through 3 major units in the CPU-

Primary Memory: the input is first stored in the Primary Memory

Control Unit (C.U.): instructions are interpreted and the data is sent to the process box by the Control Unit

Arithmetic And Logical Unit (ALU): the process box, also called the Arithmetic And Logical Unit, is where all mathematical and logical operations are done

We now have seen what a computer is, what are its major components and what is the basic function of each of its components. In the next class we shall move to looking into more detail about the most important component of a Computer - the CPU.

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