The Symptoms of Computer Addiction

 Kids tend to spend all their spare time in front of the computer and maybe with their friends if they have access to a computer network. The adults who are obsessed with computers prefer to lie about the number of hours they spend in front of the monitor. The main expenses in an addicted person's life have to do with their vice. They want more expensive accessories, a broader band or a more performing monitor.

The main problem a person who spends too many hours in front of the computer is faced with is the tunnel syndrome. They get all kinds of insomnia, severe sleep disturbances, as well as other health problems. Also, they have a lot of headaches, a lot of problems with their sight and they end up neglecting their appearance and their hygiene. Therefore, they have problems with their teeth, they don't wash their hair anymore, they don't wash their clothes anymore and so on. If their addiction persists for a very long time, they can even end up depressed, hysterical or paranoid.

Here are a few pieces of advice parents should take into consideration in order to avoid such problems. You shouldn't leave the computer at your child's disposal all the time. It should be placed in a room where everybody has access and where it is always supervised. Then, you should make them a schedule and only allow them to play on the computer after they have finished their homework. Get involved in your child's life in a more efficient way, play together, give them all kinds of attractive things to do and stir their interest in a different way. Read stories to them and get them interested in different things, too. This way, you can prevent a lot of problems and make your life easier, too.

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