Trends Of Google

 Have you heard of how Google tracks the number of hits on a particular term being searched by various users? There is a lot behind the scene and Google has been making a killing out of this technology. Lately they have come into the market with something called Google Trends. This is an add-on web facility powered by Google Inc. about the Google search engine. It ideally reflects the frequency of a specific search item, which is entered versus the total search-volumes across varied locations globally.

There is a graph representing the trends in which, the horizontal axis reflects the time parameter while the vertical axis shows the frequency of usage of the words or phrases by location and language. It is in fact also possible to refine the definition by location and time periods. Google Trends also lets the user to match the volumes of all the searches among all other terms being searched. It has the ability to reflect the news related search items, which are overlaid over the chart.

There is also an add-on to this which is referred as Google Hot Trends which displays the top most twenty hits on a particular terms or sentence. It helps user to not type the full search item and select out of the option instead. This is something which never existed before and has been superbly used these days by the various users. The number of users, since the time this was implemented has increased rapidly over other search engines. This increase in number has only helped the search engine advertising business.

Google's AdSense has been revolutionary and has generated immense business over the years. Google Trends went hand in hand with AdSense reflecting the advertisement in sync with the search items. This kind of intelligence was never available before and unparallel yet. Trend has brought in a new meaning to the search engine world. Other prominent search engines have tried hard to imitate what Google has done in a short period of time and still not successful. The SEO services and advertising has been plugged in such a manner that the users don't feel disgusted with pop-ups and other plug-ins. It is still very simple and easy to use.

New additions come right on top of the screen in small drop downs, using the flex technology. This is highly dynamic and gives you result as you type on the screen. The screen can readjust itself to any resolution and smoothly sync in. Many others still have issues with the adaptations due to the framework they use. However, Google from the beginning has implanted a strong framework which is irreplaceable. With Google on one side and all other search engines on the other, it is still hard to balance. Add-on facilities like Trends have added a lot of weight and made people highly dependent on them. Google still rules the world with any sort of hits on any category; it might be hard to believe that giant collaborations couldn't understand their niche technology yet. Wonderful isn't it?

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